IGCSE Chemistry MCQs on States of Matter

Here you can find all IGCSE Chemistry MCQs on States of Matter which are important questions from past papers.

1. Which statement explains why ammonia gas, NH3, diffuses at a faster rate than

hydrogen chloride gas, HCl ?

A Ammonia expands to occupy all of the space available.

B Ammonia has a smaller relative molecular mass than hydrogen chloride.

C Ammonia is an alkali and hydrogen chloride is an acid.

D Ammonia molecules diffuse in all directions at the same time.

2. 2.00 g of powdered calcium carbonate is added to 50.0 cm3 of hydrochloric acid.

Which apparatus is used to measure the calcium carbonate and the hydrochloric acid?

calcium carbonate                         hydrochloric acid

A balance                                        burette

B balance                                         thermometer

C pipette                                         burette

D pipette                                         thermometer

3. A student measures 25.00 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid accurately.

Which apparatus is most suitable?

A beaker

B measuring cylinder

C burette

D dropping pipette

4. Rf values are used to identify unknown substances using paper chromatography.

Which statements about Rf values are correct?

1 Rf values are always less than 1.0.

2 Rf value = distance travelled by solvent ÷ distance travelled by unknown substance.

3 The higher the Rf value, the further the unknown substance travels.

4 Rf values are not affected by the solubility of the unknown substance.

A 1 and 2 B 1 and 3 C 2 and 3 D 3 and 4

5. When smoke particles are observed with a microscope they are seen to move around randomly.

This is called Brownian motion.

What causes Brownian motion?

A diffusion of the smoke particles

B molecules in the air hitting the smoke particles

C sublimation of the smoke particles

D the smoke particles hitting the walls of the container

6. Gases are separated from liquid air by fractional distillation. The boiling points of four gases are


Which gas is both monatomic and a liquid at –200 °C?

 Gas                                        boilingpoint / °C

A argon                                  –186

B helium                                –269

C neon                                  –246

D nitrogen                             –196

7. Which piece of apparatus cannot be used to collect and measure the volume of gas produced in

an experiment?

A burette

B gas syringe

C measuring cylinder

D pipette

8. Which process causes the greatest increase in the distance between particles?

A condensation

B freezing

C melting

D sublimation

9. A student put 25.0 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid into a conical flask.

The student added 2.5 g of solid sodium carbonate and measured the change in temperature of the mixture.

Which apparatus does the student need to use to obtain the most accurate results?

A balance, measuring cylinder, thermometer

B balance, pipette, stopwatch

C balance, pipette, thermometer

D burette, pipette, thermometer

10. During an experiment a measurement is recorded in cm3

Which apparatus is used?

A balance

B measuring cylinder

C stopclock

D thermometer

Continue IGCSE Chemistry MCQs on States of Matter

11. A student carried out paper chromatography on a mixture of amino acids. The student sprayed the dried chromatogram with a locating agent.

What is the function of the locating agent?

A to dissolve the amino acids

B to form coloured spots with the amino acids

C to preserve the amino acids

D to stop the amino acids reacting

12. Which statement describes sublimation?

A Particles moving slowly past each other speed up and move further apart.

B Particles vibrating next to each other become mobile and move slowly past each other.

C Particles vibrating next to each other start to move rapidly and move further apart.

D Rapidly moving particles slow down and move closer together.

13. 25 cm3 of an alkali are added to 20 cm3 of an acid. The temperature change is measured.

Which apparatus is not needed in the experiment?

A 25 cm3 measuring cylinder

B 100 cm3 beaker

C balance

D thermometer

14. ‘Particles moving very slowly from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.’

Which process is being described?

A a liquid being frozen

B a solid melting

C a substance diffusing through a liquid

D a substance diffusing through the air

15. ‘Particles moving very slowly from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower


Which process is being described?

A a liquid being frozen

B a solid melting

C a substance diffusing through a liquid

D a substance diffusing through the air

16. A sample contains a mixture of powdered limestone (calcium carbonate), sugar and wax.

What is the correct way to obtain a pure sample of sugar?

A Dissolve the mixture in dilute hydrochloric acid, filter and wash the residue.

B Dissolve the mixture in hexane, filter and evaporate the filtrate.

C Dissolve the mixture in water, filter and evaporate the filtrate.

D Dissolve the mixture in water, filter and wash the residue.

17. The particles of a substance gain energy and change from a regular ordered structure to a

disordered structure with large distances between the particles.

Which change of state is described?

A boiling

B evaporation

C melting

D sublimation

18. The results of some tests on a colourless liquid X are shown.

• Boiling point = 102°C

• Universal Indicator turns green

What is X?

A ethanol

B hydrochloric acid

C pure water

D sodium chloride (salt) solution

19. A sugar cube is dropped into a hot cup of tea.

The tea is not stirred.

Which statement explains why the tea becomes sweet?

A The heated water molecules penetrate the sugar cube.

B The hot tea causes the sugar to melt.

C The sugar cube dissolves and its molecules diffuse.

D The sugar molecules get hot and evaporate.

20. A blue solid, X, is soluble in water.

Which method is used to obtain pure solid X from an aqueous solution?

A chromatography

B crystallisation

C filtration D neutralisation

After doing above IGCSE Chemistry MCQs on States of Matter, you can answer all types of questions on this topic.

Read Organic chemistry and Polymers MCQs here.

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