Learn about Gay Lussac’s Law
Learn about Gay Lussac’s Law : According to Gay Lussac’s Law “ the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to the temperature if the volumRead More…
You can find cbse chemistry notes on various topics in this category. I will add the notes, PPT and practice questions related to chemistry topics.
Learn about Gay Lussac’s Law : According to Gay Lussac’s Law “ the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to the temperature if the volumRead More…
Charle’s law of gases Charles’ Law: Unlocking the Mechanics of Gases in ChemistryGet a better understanding of gases in chemistry with Charles’ LaRead More…
A Detailed Definition of Avogadro’s LawGet to grips with Avogadro’s Law by understanding the in-depth definition. This comprehensive guide provides aRead More…
Exploring the Shapes of Atomic Orbitals of Shells Exploring the Shapes of Atomic Orbitals of Shells Mainly Shapes of Atomic orbitals of shellsRead More…
Pauli’s Exclusion principle for electronic configuration suggests that No Two electrons can have the same set of four quantum numbers. It means that Read More…
Hund’s Rule of Maximum Multiplicity Have you ever wondered how atoms occupy their electron orbitals? Thanks to Hund’s Rule of Maximum MultipliciRead More…
Notes on Quantum mechanical model of Atom: It is based on Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and Schrodinger’s equation. This model helps to undeRead More…
What is Schrodinger wave equation? : Erwin Schrodinger gave a mathematical equation “for the wave nature of electron Ĥψ = E ψ where H is HamiRead More…
According to Heisenberg uncertainty principle in chemistry, it is impossible to determine momentum and position of an electron in an atom simuRead More…
Niels Bohr Contributions to Quantum Mechanics improved Rutherford’s nuclear model by suggesting that the electrons revolve in the discrete energy oRead More…